Increase Dentist Network + Decrease Cost Per Lead
As Invisalign worked to increase the number of worldwide leads it was generating for its dentists, they had historically struggled to both keep costs low and create a balanced solution across a geographical area so each dentist was provided with good lead volume regardless of their population center or demand.
Monkedia was tasked with increasing the size of the Invisalign dentist network, while also decreasing the cost per lead and maintaining a balanced lead load per dentist.
Leveraging a Content Funnel to Increase Targeting Efficiency + Decrease Costs
Monkedia started by utilizing Facebook and Instagram advertising to develop a content funnel which 1) built awareness and 2) educated potential customers prior to engaging them to setup an appointment for a consultation. The funnel involved multiple content types over various time periods – consisting of video, image, lead, link, and messenger ads – to interact at different stages and times within the funnel. One of the more unique elements of the content funnel was the innovative use of messenger ads, which directly connected the individual with a customer service agent from the Invisalign brand. This methodology was used to help answer questions of those that had gone through a good portion of the funnel but still had reservations. Additionally, the messenger ads also allowed the brand to reach back out to those that had requested a consultation but failed to finish scheduling their appointment. The overall funnel based methodology, including these messenger ads, proved to produce a far more qualified lead, subsequently increasing overall conversion of those leads generated. Not only that, but as a result of investing in top-of-the-funnel advertising, the overall lead costs decreased significantly as the call to action became far less intrusive the more educated the potential customer became.
In addition to utilizing a content funnel, Invisalign leveraged a flexible advanced geographical targeting algorithm built by the Monkedia team. This algorithm allowed Invisalign to target both broadly and locally to better maximize overall spend, while also preventing the brand from spending far less efficiently when certain geographical locations were seeing increased lead costs. Combining this methodology with a unique pixel strategy based on geographical bias, the innovative approach resulted in a far greater use of the optimization engines within the social advertising platforms themselves.
Finally, Invisalign and Monkedia also leveraged Facebook’s advanced offline conversion tool to be able to track prospects once they had submitted a request online. This tracking followed them all the way through the buying process, allowing Invisalign to not only follow up with those that never showed for their appointment but also those who had just failed to finish booking their appointment after submitting a form. In addition, this also allowed Monkedia to optimize targeting for not only those who filled out the form for the initial consultation, but also those that eventually purchased – a far different and more accurate demographic makeup. This approach allowed for increased targeting efficiency and decreased costs for Invisalign in a significant way.
2X ROAS with 70% Decrease in CPL and 40% Increase in Dentist Network
Monkedia and Invisalign, through this unique social advertising approach, were able to not only decrease the cost per lead by more than 70%, but were also able to expand the network by another 40% within the first year. This was accomplished while doubling the number of total purchases for the same amount of advertising dollars spent over the previous period. Additionally, the new methodology allowed Invisalign to invest more of their digital advertising portfolio in countries of great interest to the brand that were previously under-leveraged – countries like Austria, Brazil, and more – which allowed Invisalign to grow their organization in a significant way without having to suffer any decrease in overall advertising efficiency.